Do you agree or disagree that ‘The UK Government’s current EU withdrawal agreement (Boris Johnson’s deal) is a threat to the union of the UK’?

Fieldwork dates: 21 October 2019 - 23 October 2019
Data from: Northern Ireland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you agree or disagree that ‘The UK Government’s current EU withdrawal agreement (Boris Johnson’s deal) is a threat to the union of the UK’?
Fieldwork end date
23 October 2019
Poll by Lucid Talk
Strongly Agree 38%
Agree 29%
Disagree 16%
Strongly Disagree 5%
Don't know/Not sure 12%

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Full question wording

'The UK Government's current EU withdrawal agreement Boris Johnson's deal is a threat to the union of the UK'

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