David Cameron is currently renegotiating the UK’s membership of the EU and will then put the result of that renegotiation to the British people in a referendum. To what extent will the outcome of the Prime Minister’s renegotiations matter to your vote?

Fieldwork dates: 15 January 2016 - 16 January 2016
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: David Cameron is currently renegotiating the UK’s membership of the EU and will then put the result of that renegotiation to the British people in a referendum. To what extent will the outcome of the Prime Minister’s renegotiations matter to your vote?
Fieldwork end date
16 January 2016
Poll by Survation
Leaning towards “remain” but might vote to “leave” depending on the renegotiations 16%
Lean towards “leave” but might vote to “remain” depending on the renegotiations 16%
Vote to “remain”, regardless of the outcome of the renegotiations 24%
Vote to “leave” regardless of the outcome of the renegotiations 28%
Completely undecided and will wait until the renegotiations are complete 16%

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Full question wording

David Cameron is currently renegotiating the UK's membership of the EU. To what extent will the outcome of the Prime Minister’s renegotiations matter to your vote?

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