Compared to what you expected, has adapting to the conditions of no longer being an EU member been more difficult or easier than you expected?

Fieldwork dates: 9 November 2021 - 9 November 2021
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Compared to what you expected, has adapting to the conditions of no longer being an EU member been more difficult or easier than you expected?
Fieldwork end date
9 November 2021
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
More difficult than I expected 25%
Easier than I expected 26%
As difficult/easy as I expected 39%
Don't know 10%

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Full question wording

Compared to what you expected beforehand, has adapting to the conditions of no longer being a member of the European Union been more difficult, or easier than you expected?

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