Assuming that the UK leaves the EU, what type of future relationship with the EU do you favour?

Fieldwork dates: 14 November 2017 - 12 February 2018
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: Assuming that the UK leaves the EU, what type of future relationship with the EU do you favour?
Fieldwork end date
12 February 2018
Poll by Kantar
20 November 2017
Poll by Kantar
Stay in the Single Market, with free movement of labour as now but with some additional constraints on access to UK benefits 25% 24%
Out of the Single Market but comprehensive trade deal with the EU and EU citizens given favourable access to the UK 17% 17%
Out of the Single Market and a limited trade deal with the EU; no favourable access to the UK for EU citizens 15% 14%
No deal - no closer relations with the EU than with any other countries 11% 11%
Some other arrangement 1% 1%
Not sure 31% 34%

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Full question wording

Assuming that the UK leaves the EU, which scenario do you favour?

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