As far as you are aware, do you think it is true or false that if the UK leaves the EU under Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement, the backstop customs union means we’d be free to make our own trade agreements?

Fieldwork dates: 4 March 2019 - 5 March 2019
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: As far as you are aware, do you think it is true or false that if the UK leaves the EU under Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement, the backstop customs union means we’d be free to make our own trade agreements?
Fieldwork end date
5 March 2019
Poll by Savanta
True 29%
False 23%
Don't know 48%

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Full question wording

As far as you are aware, is each of these statements true or false?
If the UK leaves the EU under Theresa May's Withdrawal Agreement, the backstop customs union means we'd be free to make our own trade agreements

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