Post-Brexit Poll of Polls

For a poll of polls of voting intentions in a second EU referendum up to January 2020 see:

EURef2 Poll of Polls

This page summarises the results of the last half-dozen polls on whether the UK should be inside or outside the EU.

Now that Brexit has been implemented, pollsters are asking a variety of different questions on this topic. Some are asking whether the UK should (re-)join or stay out, others whether people would vote for or against joining the EU, while occasionally yet others still ask how people would vote in response to the choice between Remain and Leave that appeared on the 2016 EU Referendum ballot paper (see here and here).

The table shows the result of the last six polls (after those who said ‘Don’t Know’ etc. have been excluded) irrespective of how the question was worded. ‘In EU’ represents the proportion whose answer indicated a wish for the UK to be in the EU. ‘Out EU’ those whose response indicated a preference for being out of the EU. However, it should be borne in mind that the wording of the question can make a difference to the pattern of response. In particular, people appear to be a little less likely to say they would vote to (re-)join the EU than they are to say that they would vote Remain. The table thus shows for each poll a summary of the question that was asked.

PollsterFieldwork DatesQuestion TypeIn EUOut EU
YouGov12-13.8.24Join/Stay Out5842
Redfield & Wilton19.8.24Rejoin/Stay Out5644
BMG29.8.24Join/Stay Out5545
YouGov10-11.9.24Join/Stay Out6238
BMG2-3.10.24Join/Stay Out5347
Deltapoll4-7.10.24Rejoin/Stay Out5545
Poll of Polls--5743