Sir John Curtice, Ian Montagu, and Alex Scholes discuss voters’ assessment of Boris Johnson’s performance on Brexit during his first year as Prime Minister. They also take a look at what we know about public opinion on a no-deal Brexit, and highlight how the Remain-Leave divide continues to impact party politics.
By Ian Montagu
Ian Montagu is a doctoral student at the University of Strathclyde and was previously a Senior Researcher at ScotCen Social Research. Ian has a particular interest in political attitudes and social equality, and is currently researching associations between attitudes towards the European Union and other areas of public policy.
I have faith in Boris Johnson, I’m sure he’ll deliver for the country with the best possible deal.Report
As a torie voter all my life ithink this leader is useless he is NOT fit to lead and as for his cabinet is concerned,where did he get them from? We must NOT leave .What about the SECRET deal he has done with that other lunatic about yank food coming here,NO THANKS,change the so called pm asapReport
I agree completely with Bernard. We are living in troubled times when both the UK and US have elected incompetents who cannot be trusted as their leaders. Both have failed their countries in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and neither can be trusted to comply with international treaties even when they have signed them themselves. It seems that the US President is making big efforts to stop the sick and vulnerable from voting in the Presidential election, and the UK Prime Minister is breaking a promise he made not only to the EU but also to the UK electorate 10 months ago by reneguing on the Withdrawal Agreement. No wonder people are losing faith in our so-called “democratic” system of government!Report
If Boris is doing his best, lord help his worst! He has proved he is enumerate and he has no sense of right or wrong. This is exactly what his house master at Eton predicted.Report
At the present time the UK is having difficulties with Brussels but I have complete faith in Lord Frost to carefully do the very best for our country. I do have some sympathy with Barnier but I do think, as far as I am aware he is pushing too hard. However this is a crucial time isn’t it.
I do support Boris Johnson. He is really doing his best and I am convinced come hell or high water he will do the best he can to get a reasonable agreement and if he cannot then we must walk away.
Boris Johnson has faced several ghastly months and the future does not look appealing does it? He is not helped by the endless attacks in the press. Have the journalists nothing better to do than write endless nonsense about the Tories? Look at the foolish malicious stories about Tony Abbott. I grew up in Australia. He is a very clever, amazing and a thoroughly decent man. He is not homophobic nor does he hate women this sort of nonsense is damaging and in poor taste. For years he has spent part of his holidays working up in the Northern Territory as a school assistant helping aborigine children and this has been kept a secret. During the bushfires some months ago he has been working tirelessly helping the firefighters. Report
Well I too lived in Australia for many years and your views of Tony Abbot are far from universal, he was thought of in many circles as a one dimensional political head kicker with limited abilities, Boris Johnson has had a free ride from the mostly right wing press but still he looks to totally out of his depth, and I have no confidence in his ability to run this countryReport