Would you prefer it if a UK-EU trade deal comes into force after the transition period or that the UK exits under WTO terms with no EU trade deal?

Fieldwork dates: 5 March 2020 - 14 December 2020
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 5 polls

Results for: Would you prefer it if a UK-EU trade deal comes into force after the transition period or that the UK exits under WTO terms with no EU trade deal?
Fieldwork end date
14 December 2020
Poll by Kantar
9 November 2020
Poll by Kantar
15 June 2020
Poll by Kantar
20 April 2020
Poll by Kantar
9 March 2020
Poll by Kantar
A UK-EU trade deal comes into force after the transition period 65% 70% 69% 67% 67%
The EU exits under WTO terms with no EU trade deal (Australia-style deal) 35% 30% 31% 33% 33%

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Full question wording

Which of the following two scenarios do you prefer?

See About these data for possible variations