What do you think will happen to the European Single Currency?

Fieldwork dates: 18 May 2012 - 20 May 2012
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What do you think will happen to the European Single Currency?
Fieldwork end date
20 May 2012
Poll by ICM
One country after another will leave the Euro, and only the core strong EU member states like France and Germany will keep it 28%
The Euro will collapse and all countries will return to their own currencies like the Mark in Germany and the Franc in France. 28%
Only Greece will be allowed to leave the Euro, but it will continue elsewhere in Europe 23%
Nothing - the European Union will not allow it to collapse 21%

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Full question wording

Given the recent events in the Eurozone, which one of the following do you think will happen to the European Single Currency, the Euro?

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