What is the number one reason you want the UK to leave the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 27 June 2014 - 27 June 2014
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What is the number one reason you want the UK to leave the EU?
Fieldwork end date
27 June 2014
Poll by Survation
It would make us better off economically 9%
To give us more control over immigration to the UK 25%
To allow us to cut the amount of red tape affecting our businesses 7%
To allow the UK more freedom to trade with rest of the world 6%
To allow us to repeal human rights laws from Europe 11%
To stop us drifting towards a united states of Europe 8%
Because Germany has become too powerful in EU 5%
To stop EU migrants from claiming benefits in the UK 15%
To re-establish the principle of British sovereignty 13%
Other 1%

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Full question wording

What is the number one reason you want the UK to leave the European Union?

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