Thinking about whether or not Britain can afford to help other European countries, which statement best reflects your view?

Fieldwork dates: 25 November 2010 - 26 November 2010
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Thinking about whether or not Britain can afford to help other European countries, which statement best reflects your view?
Fieldwork end date
26 November 2010
Poll by YouGov
Britain's economy is reliant upon our exports to other countries and a financial collapse abroad could make our problems worse - it is in Britain's interests to try and help the Eurozone avoid a crisis 24%
Britain has its own economic problems to address and we cannot afford to help Eurozone countries - countries like Germany and France should bail them out 67%
Neither 9%

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Full question wording

Thinking about whether or not Britain can afford to help other European countries, which of the statements below best reflects your view?

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