In terms of respecting the referendum result, do you think it would be acceptable or unacceptable if the UK was unable to sign its own trade deals?

Fieldwork dates: 2 April 2019 - 5 April 2019
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: In terms of respecting the referendum result, do you think it would be acceptable or unacceptable if the UK was unable to sign its own trade deals?
Fieldwork end date
5 April 2019
Poll by BMG Research
Completely acceptable 23%
Somewhat acceptable 19%
Somewhat unacceptable 17%
Completely unacceptable 41%

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Full question wording

Following the 2016 Referendum result, people often talk about certain outcomes as being either as acceptable or unacceptable in terms of whether the outcome can be seen as respecting the referendum result. Thinking about the following areas in light of the referendum result, do you think the following outcomes would be acceptable or unacceptable?
The UK being unable to sign its own trade deals

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