If the UK left the EU without an agreement on their future relationship do you think Britain’s economy would be better off, worse off or would it make no difference?

Fieldwork dates: 21 November 2019 - 26 July 2020
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: If the UK left the EU without an agreement on their future relationship do you think Britain’s economy would be better off, worse off or would it make no difference?
Fieldwork end date
26 July 2020
Poll by NatCen
11 December 2019
Poll by NatCen
A lot better off 4% 5%
A little better off 8% 6%
Won't make much difference 30% 25%
A little worse off 27% 21%
A lot worse off 32% 42%

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Full question wording

‘Imagine the UK leaves the EU without an agreement on their
future relationship. Do you think that in those circumstances Britain’s economy would be
better off, worse off, or wouldn’t it make much difference?’

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