How would you vote in the referendum if David Cameron did not ensure that new migrants coming to the UK from EU countries cannot receive in-work benefits, such as child benefits or tax credits, for four years?

Fieldwork dates: 11 December 2015 - 13 December 2015
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How would you vote in the referendum if David Cameron did not ensure that new migrants coming to the UK from EU countries cannot receive in-work benefits, such as child benefits or tax credits, for four years?
Fieldwork end date
13 December 2015
Poll by Savanta
Remain 52%
Leave 48%

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Full question wording

How would you vote in the EU referendum if David Cameron DID NOT secure agreement on each of the following demands? Ensuring that new migrants coming to the UK from EU countries cannot receive in-work benefits, such as child benefits or tax credits, for four years

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