How likely or unlikely do you think it is that a general election in the next few months would result in there being enough pro-Brexit MPs to get Brexit through Parliament?

Fieldwork dates: 2 September 2019 - 3 September 2019
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How likely or unlikely do you think it is that a general election in the next few months would result in there being enough pro-Brexit MPs to get Brexit through Parliament?
Fieldwork end date
3 September 2019
Poll by YouGov
Very likely 10%
Fairly likely 41%
Fairly unlikely 38%
Very unlikely 12%

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Full question wording

If there were to be a general election later in the next few months, how likely or unlikely do you think the follow outcomes would be? Enough pro-Brexit MPs to get Brexit through Parliament?

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