Do you think the UK coming to the end of the transition period without agreeing a trade deal with the EU would generally be a good or a bad thing?

Fieldwork dates: 22 October 2020 - 28 November 2020
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: Do you think the UK coming to the end of the transition period without agreeing a trade deal with the EU would generally be a good or a bad thing?
Fieldwork end date
28 November 2020
Poll by Deltapoll
24 October 2020
Poll by Deltapoll
A very good thing 10% 7%
Quite a good thing 17% 22%
Neither a good nor a bad thing 32% 36%
Quite a bad thing 23% 19%
A very bad thing 18% 16%

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Full question wording

Taking everything into account, do you think the United Kingdom coming to the end of the transition period without agreeing a trade deal with the European Union would generally be a good or a bad thing?

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