Do you think it is more likely that we will exit the transition period with a trade deal with the EU or under WTO terms with no EU trade deal?

Fieldwork dates: 5 March 2020 - 14 December 2020
Data from: Great Britain
Results from: 5 polls

Results for: Do you think it is more likely that we will exit the transition period with a trade deal with the EU or under WTO terms with no EU trade deal?
Fieldwork end date
14 December 2020
Poll by
9 November 2020
Poll by
15 June 2020
Poll by
20 April 2020
Poll by
9 March 2020
Poll by
with a trade deal with the EU 27% 33% 39% 50% 49%
under WTO terms with no EU trade deal (referred to by some as an Australia-style deal) 73% 67% 61% 50% 51%

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Full question wording

Do you think it is more likely that we will exit the transition period...

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