Do you think it is likely or unlikely that the UK government will be able to agree a different, legally binding deal with the EU as an alternative to the ‘Northern Ireland backstop’?

Fieldwork dates: 30 January 2019 - 30 January 2019
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think it is likely or unlikely that the UK government will be able to agree a different, legally binding deal with the EU as an alternative to the ‘Northern Ireland backstop’?
Fieldwork end date
30 January 2019
Poll by Survation
Very likely 7%
Somewhat likely 24%
Neither likely nor unlikely 19%
Somewhat unlikely 26%
Very unlikely 25%

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Parliament voted yesterday to try to re-open negotiations with the EU on the terms of the UK’s withdrawal agreement with the EU, and particularly the “Northern Ireland Backstop” - the agreed plan to ensure there will never be a “hard border” for goods between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The EU has since said that the current arrangement which ensures there will never be a “hard border” for goods between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland cannot be renegotiated. How likely do you think it is that the UK government will be able to agree a different, legally binding deal with the EU on this issue?

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