How much trust do you have in Jean-Claude Juncker helping to reach a satisfactory solution to Brexit before the 31st of October? (Polish views)

Fieldwork dates: 23 September 2019 - 30 September 2019
Data from: Poland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How much trust do you have in Jean-Claude Juncker helping to reach a satisfactory solution to Brexit before the 31st of October? (Polish views)
Fieldwork end date
30 September 2019
Poll by Kantar
Tend to trust 19%
Neither trust nor distrust 27%
Tend to distrust 30%
Don't know 24%

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Full question wording

Regarding the ongoing Brexit negotiations, how much trust do you have in the following political leaders helping to reach a satisfactory solution before the 31st October? Jean-Claude Juncker

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